Items available on this site are divided into categories. Clicking the Search Now button will display a listing of items from the selected category that meet the search criteria. The categories are:

Pocket Watches

Pocket Watch Components
(Movements, Dials and Cases)

Wrist Watches

(Post Cards, Tip Trays, Glassware, etc)

(books, tools and everything else)

Two special selections under the Search Box are not really categories but collections from the categories listed above.

Special Interest
Items that are relatively scarce or in especially fine condition are highlighted in each category. Selecting Special Interest will display all such items meeting the search criteria, regardless of category, in a single list.

All Categories
An abreviated listing, without thumbnails, of all items meeting the search criteria.

Items displayed may be limited by entering search terms in the Search Box. Item titles, subtitles and descriptions will be searched for all terms entered. If any terms do not match, an item is excluded from the displayed results. Search terms are not required to match full words. ham, for example, will match both Hamilton and Hampden and jewel will match both jewel and jewels. Term matching is case insensitive.

We try to be consistent with terminology. Size is referenced as 18s, 16s, etc and jewel count as 21j, etc. As a result, Hamilton 21j 16s will return what you would expect.

If the first search term is all or the Search Box is empty, all items in the requested category will be displayed.